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What comes after this?

What comes after this look?
Are we there yet?
How many more years of brass, and naked-bulbed lights, and bent wood, and cheerful stools?


Anonymous said...

Hello. So where the hell have you been?

Unknown said...

We've missed you!

Coulda shoulda woulda said...

In cities dying out but an eternity in airports

rerun said...

you're posting. sweet mother of god you're posting. as the nigerians say: i done die.

Anonymous said...

Complete poverty of imagination. Though the website makes the room look decent.

What a delight to see a new post from you, thank you and hope all is well.


Emily said...

Everything is shifting towards those vaguely shaggy diamond-pattern rugs and macrame and scandinavian pastels....sigh...

design citation said...


Reviving Charm said...

Welcome back...have missed ya!

By the way...I'm with you on this one...I am so over it this trend and ready to move on...

Laura said...

Yes! Are you really back? Please say yes! The internet is really missing your presence these days

Decorno said...

I'm sorta back. I need something to distract me from Trump Twitter and our dying democracy. My general political anxiety and rage has me feeling even more irritated about design trends that bug me.

And I have mixed feelings about this one. It's such... kinder-style. I kind of get why it's the design of our times. I mean: it's design for people with no money. I don't mean that as a dig at anyone. I mean that at a time when the middle class is being gutted, and people aspire to things and style and a "look," $70 metal stools and one (sad?) sanseviera plant in the corner passes for design. I think I need to write a longer post on all of this to sort out my Unified Theory of Poverty-Driven Auseterity Design in a Time of Increasing Wealth Inequality.

Unknown said...

Oh Dearest Decorno! You are my fantasy BFF, for real. If you're still in the Seattle area we should meet and rage together!

The Countess of Nassau County said...

I think you hit the nail on the head with the word "cheerful".

There's also something so accessible about it. A trip to Home Depot for paint, plumbing fixtures, light bulbs, bamboo blinds and a chalk board and you're set!! I could literally hand my husband this picture and two weekends later I've got something pretty close - he'll have snuck a few framed record album covers in, but it would be pretty darn close.

Where do we go from here - bean bag chairs and inflatables maybe. Given America's love affair with Chip and Joanna Gaines I think there's quite a bit of fuel in the tank as far as this style goes. A sudden scandal involving Chip, a teenage girl and a restraining order is all I can see swinging the pendulum to expensive and tough to replicate rooms.

Hope this does not prompt you back into hiding!

yks said...

And there you were in my Feedly, hardly could believe my eyes. So happy!!! Please stay!

Anonymous said...

Awesome. I'm bored of the internet and looked you up after many years. You always made my day. Hope you stick around.

Decorina said...

So happy to see that you posted! Long time, etc. and you were sorely missed.

I too want to read more of your intelligent posts, especially concerning the shitgibbon that now resides in the White House. This is truly shaping up to be a scary time for humans who think.

So glad to see you back Decs. Please post and help encourage all of us to resist and persist against the scourge.

the quarter rat said...

Wow, I need to check my blogger more often - I'm enjoying your sporadic posts on IG (BTW I'm Lospantalonesdiablos on IG, you follow me)

ohnomyboots said...

She is risen.
I hate that look. And while ethno-design has jumped the shark (my daughter pointed to my American Indian influenced beaded sandals the other day and said "Those are racist"), Scandi-yacht chic is not only fucking boring but makes me shudder at it's lack of personality or sense of history. Worst of white people design ever, worse than 50 shades of chintz. Huzzah. Post more, woman.

Sam said...

I am thrilled to find yhat you have posted something after quite sometime ! If you only have an idea how much I missed reading your posts! Cheers! - Sam

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